General Information
- In the event that there are more qualified applicants than grant awards, the BCSRT board of directors will make the decision by a vote.
- The decision of the Grant Selection Committee shall be final.
- Current members of the BCSRT board of directors are not eligible for grants during their term of their office
- The total financial amount to be awarded in grants will be reviewed on an annual basis by the BCSRT board of directors.
- The amount awarded will not exceed the member’s estimated expenses to attend the educational event. If the event is not attended or completed by the recipient, the total grant must be repaid in full to the BCSRT.

Funding Amounts
- Maximum individual grant amount $500
Combined total amount of Education grants for all applicants:
- Spring – $2,500
- Fall – $2,500
Eligibility Requirements
Applicant must meet all of the following:
- Currently employed as a respiratory therapist.
- Current BCSRT member in good standing.
- BCSRT member in good standing for at least 2 consecutive years before application deadline.
- Has not received a BCSRT grant in the current or previous calendar year.
Grants may be used for:
- Attending a conference or education event.
- Completing a post-secondary or specialty course.
- Presenting a quality improvement or research project.
Conference, education event, course, research, or quality improvement project must be related to 1 of the following:
- Respiratory Therapy Practice
- Respiratory Therapy Education
- Respiratory Therapy Leadership
Grants may not be used for university tuition for bachelor’s, master’s, or PhD programs.
Scoring will be based primarily (but not exclusively) on the following criteria :
- Has not received a BCSRT grant.
- Has not received a BCSRT grant in the last 5 years.
- Years of membership with the BCSRT.
- Type and amount of volunteer work performed for the BCSRT within 5 years of application deadline.
- Value that the BCSRT board of directors feel the applicant will receive.
- Value that the BCSRT board of directors feel the respiratory therapy profession will gain.
The application form completed in full and forwarded to the BCSRT Director of Finance on or before the selected deadline date:
- Spring – March 1
- Fall – November 1
Application must be for an event to be attended within 12 months of the application deadline.
Expense & Funding Sources
Applicant must submit estimation of costs and including but not limited to:
- Registration
- Travel
- Lodging
- Food
Applicant must submit estimation of additional funding including but not limited to:
- Union
- Employer
- Vendor Resources
- Conference
- Other
Interested in applying for a grant?
Click on the button below to submit a grant application. Our team will review all applications and contact you with application status and/or any further information required.