Membership Requirements

Membership Options

Registered Member

Successfully completed the national entry to practice examination of the Health Professionals Testing Canada (HPTC) and ordinarily resides in British Columbia.

Student Member

Enrolled at or is newly graduated from (within 6 months) a college or university in a program recognized and leading to certification by the Health Professionals Testing Canada (HPTC).

Associate Member

Person who supports the purposes of the Society, but who is not eligible to be a member of another category.

Honorary Member

Individual who has made an extraordinary contribution to the Society, to Respiratory Therapy in British Columbia, or both. Appointed by a resolution of which 75% of the directors then in office are in favour. Pays no further membership dues or fees for life.

Annual Dues

  1. The annual dues payable by members shall be determined from time to time by ordinary resolution passed by the members, present in person, at an Annual General Meeting. Proxies may not be used for voting purposes on any resolution to determine annual dues.
  2. Annual dues may be determined at different amounts for different categories of membership.
  3. Annual dues for a fiscal year shall be payable on or before the 31st day of March of the preceding fiscal year.
  4. Failure by a member to pay annual dues when due will result in his membership ceasing to be (held) in good standing and renders her subject to summary expulsion from membership as provided in Section 4(d) of Article II of these By-laws.
  5. Any person expelled from membership for failure to pay annual dues may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be reinstated to membership if he applies for reinstatement and tenders payment of his accrued arrears of annual dues and payment of a reinstatement fee as may be set by the Board of Directors in an amount not to exceed the amount of the accrued arrears of annual dues owing.
Membership Category Yearly Fee
Registered Member $85
Associate Member $85
Student Member $30*
Honorary Member Free

*One-time fee for students, expires in March of their graduation year.

Membership Guidelines

1. All members shall comply with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society and all decisions, rulings, or orders made pursuant thereto by the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, the Professional Conduct Committee, or any officer or other committee of the Society.

2. All amounts owing to the Society by a member or former member whether as dues, assessments, levies, costs, penalties, fines, or otherwise, constitute a debt due from the member or former member to the Society and are recoverable as such by action brought by the Society against the member or former member in any court of competent judgment.

A person shall cease to be a member of the Society:

a. on delivering his resignation in writing to the secretary, provided that no resignation is effective until accepted by the Board of Directors and no resignation shall relieve or release the person from any duties, liabilities, or responsibility as a member that existed prior to the date of acceptance of his resignation;

b. on his death;

c. on being expelled as provided by these Bylaws; or

d. on having been a member not in good standing for one month on account of non-payment of annual dues and the Board of Directors thereafter summarily and without a hearing resolving to expel him.

3. All members are in good standing except:

a. a member who has failed to pay his annual dues or any other amount owing by him to the Society; and

b. a member whose membership is suspended as provided by these Bylaws.

4. During the period that a member is not in good standing, he shall not be entitled to any of the rights, privileges, or benefits of membership and in particular, he shall not be entitled:

a. to receive notice of or to vote or attend at general meetings of the Society,

b. to stand for election or serve as a director or officer or to be appointed to any committee of the Society, and

c. to use the title “Registered Respiratory Therapist” or the initials “R.R.T.”, but, such a member remains, nevertheless, subject to all the duties and obligations of a member as though he were a member in good standing.

Interested in becoming a member?

Click on the link below and complete the membership application to become a member of BCSRT.