Canadian Board for Respiratory Care Board of Directors – Calls for Nominations

The Canadian Board for Respiratory Care Inc. (CBRC) is seeking nominations for two elected Board of
Directors (BoD) positions to be conferred at its Annual General Meeting in Montreal, QC May 7, 2020.

CBRC BoD Call for Nominations 2020 PDF

The CBRC is a not for profit organization that is contracted to produce examinations for professional
certification and credentialing by third party clientele.
The examinations produced by the CBRC test candidates for defined competencies that are aligned with
professional competency frameworks designed and mandated by our clients.
These professional competency frameworks provide the basis for skills and knowledge that are tested
on the examinations produced by the CBRC. All examinations are designed, edited, administered and
scored utilizing the highest industry recognized examination procedures and psychometric standards.
The CBRC utilizes contracted third-party expert consultation for all scoring and evaluation of
examination outcomes and only communicates results with relevant parties.
As a member of the BoD, you must be willing to dedicate several hours each month to BoD activities and
be willing to travel for requisite meetings with all reasonable expenses reimbursed. You will actively
participate in organizational decision making, strategic planning, financial oversight and external
relations. You will play a vital role in the current and future direction of this organization. This is a
volunteer position with no reimbursement for lost time from your place of employment.

BoD positions available to serve for a 4-year term are:
• Director at Large
• Director at Large

Individuals interested in one of these positions should apply on or before April 1, 2020 (no late
applications) demonstrating the following criteria:

• A cover letter indicating your interest in the BoD position and relevant experiences that you will
bring to this role

• An up to date resume indicating your education, employment history, volunteer and/or
community service

• A member in good standing of a provincial regulatory body

• Three references who may be contacted as part of the selection process


Applications must be submitted electronically to the CBRC head office at Email enquiries
related to this position are welcome as are telephone enquiries to (506) 607-2009.